The Digital Hollywood Summer Summit

Monday, July 21st - Wednesday, July 23rd, 2025

The Defining Event: The Future of Entertainment, Media & Technology

A Virtual Event • Registration is Free - An Expected Audience of 12,000

• Speakers Note: Some Sessions will be Taped Prior to the Event - Please check with your moderator

Deep Fakes, Bias, Creative Rights & Regulation

The Evening Keynote Roundtables

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2025

8:00 PM - 8:50 PM:  Eastern Time Zone

Session II:

Training the “Stanley Kubrick” Level AI: Fact or Fantasy & the Question of Ethics

What would happen if an AI were trained with the entire oeuvre, the life work of Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Stanley Kubrick, Billy Wilder and John Ford? That would be like sharing the “Keys to the Hollywood Kingdom,” the finest in cinematography, screenwriting, humor, drama and editing as well. And even with that “Assemblage of Greatness,” attached to an AI of tomorrow, meaning an AI with a near-Einstein level mind, would that “Advanced Machine” be able to create, even with professional “Human Assistance” a truly great achievement in Cinema? This question is not an idle bit of humor or fantasy. In a world racing toward “Advanced General Intelligence,” it is a question that we might have to one day address.

9:00 PM - 9:50 PM: Eastern Time Zone
Session II:

The Deepfake Dilemma: Protecting & Preserving Image, Voice & Likeness – The Taylor Swift Law & Scarlett Johansson Lawsuits

“Deep Fakes” are not only a theft of property rights and a concern of Musicians and Hollywood personalities, bad-actors are scheming new, inventive and technologically bizarre ways to invade our privacy, our computer data and ultimately our electronic wallets. This is not a false alarm. While a “Taylor Swift Law” is needed to protect the personage of a pop star or the “Voice & Audio Likeness of Scarlett Johansson, it may be even more important to secure the personal electronic rights of everyday citizens. Recently in Hong Kong, a “Deep Fake” scheme successfully defrauded an investment company of $25 Million in a fraudulent Zoom call with visual impersonators representing colleagues. That Zoom call might have been you and a “Deep Faked” family member.

The Evening Keynote Roundtables

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2025

8:00 PM - 8:50 PM: Eastern Time Zone

Session I:

The Actor vs The Terminator: Synthetic Actors & Performers vs. Human Creativity

Imagine a great Hollywood screenwriter, imagine a plotline to transform characters into a world of cinematic magic and then utilize and embrace technologies, new generative AI technologies to bring life, anthropomorphize the language and phrases and manifest that imagery into a “Terminator” on the big screen that will ultimately beat-down an otherwise heroic “Human Actor.”  Does that represent the creative competition in the Hollywood of our future. Does Hollywood ultimately face the choice of Synthetic Movie Stars vs. Human Actors and Human writers? That is the question of the day.

Session II:

The Economic AI Godzilla: The GPU Mega-Factories – Energy Burn Rate – A Future that Burns Bright

If two or three hundred million Americans are attached to a national AI Grid, with GPTs churning away doing the “Thinking” for us all, with Robots making our sandwiches and desserts, not to mention our photo and movie making AI making life a blast, imagine now the GPU Clusters and Mega-Factories needed to support that overload. This nation will need an energy supply about fifty times our current output. Even with the innovations that might be discovered like DeepSeek, Con Ed and PG&E are not gonna cut it. This national will be facing an AI Power Godzilla and it is not secret. If we have rolling brownouts today, imagine our future. This isn’t only our problem; it’s a global problem. This is the question of the day.

The Complete Conference Agenda (The Daytime Events)

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2025

Noon – 12:50 PM : Eastern Time Zone

Session II:

The AI Data Royalty Marketplace: Licensing, Monetization & Rev-Share

For the past two years, there has been massive technology proliferation across industries. Users have totally embraced the idea of AI as a content creation platform, from creative writing to image, music and entire film score creation. But how are the AIs “Trained” to provide these unique and even revolutionary services? The entertainment and technology industries are in a classic struggle to figure out the balance between innovation and compensation for rights and services. And without belaboring the question of “Legal Remedy,” a robust industry of AI Data Royalty, licensing, monetization and Rev-Share possibilities is emerging. The industry appears to be in the first stages of exploration and negotiation, and as with all vital industry challenges, the marketplace for AI Data is another fascinating journey in the world of innovation.

1 PM – 1:50 PM: Eastern Time Zone

Session I:

As Johnny Rotten Might Say: AI Music – Bollocks Sí or Bollocks No? 

Some say, AI is different. This technology may be black magic and maybe they’re right. But what about Sampling and Looping, Sequencers, Drum Machines and Beat Makers, Software synths and the Moog. How about the first time you became aware of the Wah Wah pedal? Does the music of Hendrix, Clapton or Zappa come to mind? The magical world of “Music and Technology” has enabled and enhanced the greatest of our popular musicians and producers for more than half a century. What is the role of the “Recorder Producer?” What about “The Wall of Sound?” What are the Beatles without George Martin, the master of “Audio Wizardry!” What would Johnny Rotten say about “Music and AI.” Let’s discuss.

Session IV:

Investing in AI, Compute, Energy & Software: The Economy of the Future

Let’s first familiarize ourselves with the notion of “Compute” as a descriptor of the baseline of our future economy. “Compute” represents the fundamental infrastructure that underpins the AI-driven world, encompassing the complex interplay of hardware, software, and energy. So that a city, region, country or group of countries strategically develop their economies around the notion of “Compute,” that strategy will indicate the readiness of that “Entity” to provide services to it populations and in effect, compete within this vision of the modern world. We are entering a “Re-Defined World” of Davos, the EU and East vs. West. As we navigate this new landscape, investors, policymakers, and business leaders must prioritize strategic investments in “Compute” infrastructure, AI research, and workforce development to remain competitive and unlock the vast potential of the “Compute-driven” global economy."

2 PM – 2:50 PM - Eastern Time Zone

Session IV:

AI & the Law: A “Deep Dive” - Fair Use, Copyright and the Doctrine of Innovation

Even with the successful resolution of the Entertainment industry “Guilds” strike of 2023, there remains an ongoing fear that "artificial intelligence poses an existential threat to creative professions." The core AI issue sparking debate in Hollywood is not only based on compensation, data training and ownership but the creative control of the ultimate production itself. Additionally, “Deep Fake” technology has raised concern about potential harmful uses, such as political disinformation, revenge porn, and misuse of intellectual property. At the same time, many “creatives” tout the game changing benefits and innovation this technology can bring to artistic and other endeavors, such as educational opportunities, enhanced freedom of expression and reduced barriers to entry. This panel will discuss these competing concerns and whether existing legal frameworks, such as right of publicity, copyright, and existing regulations, are sufficient to address this powerful technology.

4 PM – 4:40 PM - Eastern Time Zone

Session II:

AI Data Royalties & Creative Partnerships: From Licensing to Micro-Payment & Rev Share

The intersection of AI and creative content has sparked intense debate among content owners, artists, and trade groups. As these stakeholders navigate the complexities law and legislation, at the same time, AI data royalty contracts and innovative solutions are emerging. In this conversation, our roundtable will explore the evolution of content licensing, including groundbreaking concepts in micro-payments and revenue sharing models. Join us as we delve into the future of creative partnerships and the potential for AI-driven royalty agreements to empower artists and content creators. Discover how these pioneering approaches can redefine the entertainment industry's relationship with AI and ensure fair compensation for creative contributions.

Session III:

AI & the Creative Community – Representing the Interest of the Artist - This is a Far from Settled Question

While the Hollywood strikes of yesteryear may now be old news, the concerns of the Guild membership, the writers and actors are far from settled. And the news of “AI Lawsuit Progress,” may simply be disconcerting. After all, creative concerns cannot always be resolved through arbitration and legal settlement. AI at its best may prove to be a fantastic aide, speeding up the “Create Process,” but perhaps an artist doesn’t want the process accelerated, even if the product is a little better. The underlying issues of Artificial Intelligence, from Deep Fakes, Image Provenance, Virtual Humans and the ultimate ability of the AI to reason, think and author creative works is far from settled fact. Who among us can say what the future might hold. For those of you who have tried AI or perhaps have even become “Expert” in AI application, you are aware of the problems it may present. AI can as easily violate copyright of everything from image to story to voice as it can enhance the creativity of the most sophisticated artist. This our world to explore.

5:00 PM – 5:50 PM - Eastern Time Zone

Session II:

State by State: The Illinois AI Law - The Tennessee Elvis Act – The California Act

AI Regulation is arriving or soon on its way. As the many “AI Lawsuits” make their way through the courts and with Federal legislation still up in the air, many states have taken the AI Regulation plunge or are expected to do so. In this session we will look at the specifics put forward by the regulation or pending regulation in three states, California, Illinois and Tennessee. Each are different, each are complicated, and each represent their own unique ways of approaching the future of AI. Tennessee regulation is directed specifically toward “Deep Fakes” and the protection of Recording Artists and others impacted by “Voice Cloning,” and is known as the “The Elvis Act.” California is an expansive piece of legislation that ranges from deepfake technology and data privacy to the regulation of the “Training of AI Frontier Models. The Illinois act expands the AI issue into the fields of AI privacy and employee discrimination and into voice recordings and robocalls. With fifty states, a world of special interest and citizen groups as well as “Industry and Government” concern, this might be thought of as the “Canary in the Coal Mine.”

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2025

Noon – 12:50 PM - Eastern Time Zone
Session IV:

“Is AI Music the Piracy Machine? As Brian May has Stated, “It’s Gonna Get Very Weird Very Quick”

 Let's take an AI Music test. Google “Best in AI Music Deep Fakes” and you will be taken on an amazing tour of “Music Imposters,” including “Deep Fakes” of Britney Spears, Frank Sinatra singing obscene Rap Lyrics; the infamous Drake/The Weeknd, “Heart on My Sleeve” having become a massive hit in a few days and Freddie Mercury singing "All I Want for Christmas,” a “Perfect Clone” of a Queen performance. And the technology behind AI song generators are becoming dangerously professional. It’s no wonder that Brian May, Queen’s lead guitarist and song writer is quoted having said, “It’s Gonna Get Very Weird Very Quick.” Music is always the artform first impacted by the combination of technology and the Internet because it does not require extensive bandwidth. In this session we bring together some of the best in the music business.

3 PM – 3:50 PM - Eastern Time Zone

Session IV:

The State of Generative AI Law: The Precedents – The Cases Currently in Progress

 The illustrious history of copyright infringement lawsuits are filled with fascinating results. Most recently, the Supreme Court ruled that Andy Warhol infringed on photographer Lynn Goldsmith's copyright when he created a series of his famous silk screen images based on a photograph Goldsmith shot of the late musician Prince in 1981. So it is with great interest that the “AI Training Data” lawsuits make their way through the courts, The NY Times vs. OpenAI and Microsoft; Getty Images against Stability AI; a Class Action lawsuit filed against Stability AI, Midjourney and DeviantArt; a Programmers’ Class Action against Github among others. In this session, discuss status of “Copyright Law.”

4 PM – 4:50 PM - Eastern Time Zone

Session II:

The Legal Implications: Chatbots & Virtual Human Engagement – Peaking Over the Legal Horizon

As chatbots and virtual humans become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, a complex web of legal implications arise. In this session, we will explore the legal considerations surrounding the development, deployment, and interaction with these AI-powered entities. Our panel will delve into topics such as data privacy, intellectual property, liability for AI-generated content, and the ethical consequences of human-AI interaction. While our current legal landscape may be more focused on customer service and retail advice, the future of human to virtual human interaction suggests an increasingly complex world of personal dependance, relationship in the form of AI girl and boyfriends, personal healthcare advice beyond “WebMD” and Virtual Humans providing psychological care. In time, complex Virtual Human services will be commonplace, and its legal implications will be exceedingly interesting.

To View By Track - Click Here

The Evening Keynotes - Click Here

The Complete Agenda - Click Here

 I. Track One: AI: Artists of the 21st Century

II. Track Two: Virtual Humans & Robotics

III. Track Three: AI and Hollywood

IV. Track Four: AI Music &Tech

V. Track Five: AI & Threats, Bias & Rights

VI: Track Six: AI Fashion & Design

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